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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Everything New

New house...

New car...
New baby...

New town, new company and unit for Brian, new everything. I suppose in this time of massive change we should be feeling overwhelmed, but thankfully we're not. Each new transition has come on it's own time line and we've been able to deal with them one by one. Getting settled in the house, picking out paint colors and talking about DIY projects have been the most stressful, but after a deep breath joy takes over and I'm content with the tremendous blessings we've already and continue to receive.

I am waiting for the phone call from our realtor telling us we've funding this morning and he's ready to meet and hand over our keys. Brian reported at 6am for his first day back at work, though this week will mainly be inprocessing. Sometime before Friday we anticipate knowing what unit he is assigned to. Right now two companies are scheduled to deploy -one in October and one in December/January. The other infantry company he could be assigned to does not have orders to deploy yet and are still in their "rebuilding" stage. That is the good news. The worrying bit is this new unit being formed isn't sure it's staying at Ft. Hood. Brian and I aren't ones to fret about what we can't control when it comes to the military and we know that what God has so clearly provided for us here will not become null and void. The good and perfect plan which has always unfolded before us will continue to do so, so family, don't worry. We'll keep you posted.

I am overwhelmed with thankfulness and I wouldn't wish to be anyone else, anywhere else. I have a fabulous husband and a tremendously fulfilling marriage. I have a dream home, a new family car, the easiest pregnancy in the world, a healthy baby, and a wonderful town to raise our new family in. What could I possibly lack that is worthwhile? Nothing. This has been a year of dreams come true and I feel I am the luckiest, most blessed girl in the world.

As corn ball and overused as it is, I truly mean thank you for all of your love and support, your listening ears and advice as we've journeyed here. I could not have gotten through many of the things the past three years without your help, your shoulders, your hugs, and your love -no matter the physical distance between us. Now we are in Canaan, the promised land of our lives, and the milk and honey truly overflows. Thank you, and thank God for all that we have received.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh YES, Dear Lord, how truly thankful we are for Your care of Kelly, Brian and Baby Wilder. We give You the glory! Amen.

...and remember, your Mama loves you!


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