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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Once Upon a Storytime...

Today we read Go, Dog. Go! five times. It was my first storytime with Wilder. We read two other books as well, but since I hear repetition is good for babies I thought it wouldn't hurt to read the first book I bought for Wilder several more times. I've read to Wilder before, but it was one of my books and I just read aloud while I nursed him. But today was authentic storytime -a milestone and the beginning to a lifelong love affair I hope Wilder has with books.

I adored storytime growing up. I have fond memories of my parents and grandparents reading to me before bed, my father teaching my sister and I to read, and finishing my first chapter book (The Boxcar Children.) There is such a feeling of accomplishment in reading a book cover to cover. Then there are the illustrations. What? You don't read books with pictures?! How boring... I jest, I jest.

My fifth and sixth grade years I volunteered my recess to shelve books in the library and requested the picture book section. My favorite book in my area was "On Market Street" and I recently bought a slightly worn first edition for Wilder's library. I also got to shelve the Beatrix Potter books, oh, and many, many other treasures including Dr. Seuss. I believe I had M-T, if I recall. My favorite picture book of all, besides the fairytale collection we got from my Aunt Ruth (actually, it was for Crystal, but I nabbed it) is "Grandfather Twilight" given to me by Aunt Judy. I'm beginning to see that Aunts give the best books. Hm... I guess I better get with the program and send some more to my sister's kids.
Since early pregnancy I have anxiously anticipated storytime with Wilder. I loved it so much (and still do) and want to impart the same enthusiasm and joy to our little man. Brian and I have agreed that family reading is a fundamental part of our household and no child in our family will escape becoming a bibliophile. Here's to many more books enjoyed together and to family traditions!

Wilder loves to interact with people! When I'm cooking dinner or sewing and he's playing alone in his chair or on the floor he'll often fuss until I come over and chat, then he immediate cheers up and begins to babble with me. When the camera comes into play he gets a little distracted, but you can see what I mean about his talkativeness and enjoyment of "face time." I am reborn each time we converse!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's cuter every day!
And so smart...
and talented:)
I wonder who he gets that from?

Hope you 3 have a great weekend.

Love, Mama


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