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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Herd's The Word

Today Savannah had her first sheep herding lesson at Paws 4 Ewe and she's a born natural. I would hope so, since she is a border collie, but you never can be too sure where her instincts lie. She's great with tennis balls and small dogs, but sheep is a whole other animal (pun intended.)

Yes, I got to pet a pony and it made my week. Hours later I still feel the high of being on a ranch surrounded by all sorts of creatures and, particularly, this lovely white horse. It let me scratch behind its ears and reached it's head over the fence to nuzzle up and smell my hair. For a brief moment I imagined the possibilities of it taking a huge chunk out of my face or arm, but I cast away fear so the animal wouldn't catch me with the scent. Just call me the horse whisperer. (Now feel free to guffaw.)
Savannah was so impressive and I apologize for not having shots of her in action, but we were a bit busy to be taking photos. My mother-in-law, Betty, came along to see how our girl did and watch Wilder while I worked with Savannah and the trainer, Michele. Honestly, I just stood on the other side of the fence while Michele and Savannah and a few good sheep had at it. Michele said that the first lesson was meant to be all fun and Savannah could do no wrong, except eat her sheep (which, thankfully, she didn't.) Savannah surprised us all by being quite the natural, but also overweight and tired a bit too easily. I know you're laughing, Brian. I've resolved to slim up our collie and I might reap some benefits myself while I'm at it. I hardly think I could avoid it, actually, since I can only imagine the way to slim her down is by running her and playing more ball.

I resolved to have my own ranch after five minutes on this beautiful land, but, as my family can attest to, I have always yearned for the country life. Plus, Santa knows how long I've been asking for a pony and I'm determined now to get one after remembering how I end up on cloud 9 after being around horses.

Next week we'll be back with more news on Savannah's progress. I must report, for Brian and anyone else who's boarded Savannah (Mom, Leslie, Betty, etc.) that she was superior in obedience after having her afternoon with the sheep. She was super responsive to new commands while I played ball with her this evening and I see the beginning of a very bright and much happier future for our fabulous bored border collie and our family!

Savannah is waiting her second turn after getting a taste for herding. She can hardly contain herself.

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