As a self-employed, stay-at-home, work-from-home mama (how's that for hyphens?) it's challenging to seize a break, take time off, relax, just plain CHILL OUT. As I wrote before, January was ridiculously busy and blessed the whole family with severe head/chest colds christening the Month of Love. It stopped me in my tracks and commanded some chillaxing time while nursing everyone back to health. Heck, I even got to check out a few books from the library and bury my nose in a new P.D. James mystery (oh joy, oh rapture!) After two weeks, we're finally over this gunk (for the most part) and even though work has not stopped, I feel rested.
Today I throughly enjoyed some of the simpler things in life and tasted the fruits of accomplishment. While watching 4 wee ones ages 3 and under this morning, I cut out paper hearts, filled bowls with crayons and we gathered around the coffee table for a little Valentine making. Between doling out snacks, sippy cups and breaking up fights, the kitchen got cleaned, dishes done and several photography print orders that had been hanging over my head were processed. The baby girls bathed together (too cute for words) and kids tunes rocked the house while the boys bounced balloons on each other's heads.
After our little friends left and Waverley went down for a nap I got an urgent (random) email from The Parenting and Pregnancy Channel on iVillage asking if they could use the announcements I made for Waverley for their featured collection of DIY Birth Announcements. They wanted to publish today so I had to hustle, sending the photos, a list of supplies and type out instructions. They've agreed to link to my blog and send the article over (I'll include a link when I get it -excited to see the other examples!)
Our vehicle has taken us/me oh-so many places this last week. Okay, two places. Ha, funny story to me: Around the time we had our little snowfall that stopped Central Texas in its tracks, Wilder started asking to go see my grandparents in Houston.
"Gama, Gampa? Truck?" (repeat 10 times and that's what we heard 50 reps a day.)
"Thursday, Wilder. We'll go in the truck to Grandma and Grandpa's on Thursday, okay?"
Finally the blessed day came. Wilder was so excited to get in the truck, I didn't even have to talk him out of taking his morning bath he finds mandatory as long as he's heard/seen evidence that I'm taking/have taken a shower. "We can't take a bath right now, it's time to get in the truck for Grandma and Grandpa's."
"GAMA GAMPA?! OOOKAAAAY!!!" It was the easiest time I've ever had getting shoes on that kid and his rump in the car. He was SO excited.
Waverley, Wilder and I enjoyed one of the sweetest afternoons with my grandparents while Brian stayed home to work on the flooring in the studio (that last bit's the hardest to cut and hammer together.) The next day soon after waking Wilder asked if we could go back to Gama/Gampa's and he continues to ask several times a day.
We haven't seen Brian's family in over 6 months and the last we saw my mom and family seems like ages and I have ached for grandparent-type folks to enjoy these gorgeous and rascally bundles of joy, so when Wilder started requesting visiting my grandparents -and seeing how sublimely happy he was there and how sweet he was the whole next day- it did my heart so much good! I will gladly make the 2 1/2 hr. trip often with the kids just to enjoy these times with my dad's parents and have my children adored. Witnessing the happiness of all during our visits -*sigh*- that's what life is all about. Creating the best memories together and blessing each other's lives. Grandma and Grandpa, we love you soooooo much!
My other travels were shooting bridal portraits in San Antonio this past Saturday. I did the bride's hair and make up and we drove around town, scoping out unique areas to shoot in. Fire escapes on historic buildings, on the train tracks surrounded by industrial buildings and parked railroad cars. We even were lucky enough to have a train come RIGHT as we were finishing up and the shots of it chugging towards such a stunning bride are incredible -can't wait to share.
I'll be back south tomorrow for an audition in San Antonio for spokesperson/announcement gal for John Hagee's Cornerstone Church. One word: Caffeine. I know it's only a 2 hr. drive, but MAN, I always seem to have a hard time staying awake when I drive to San Antonio. Maybe because the road is so darn straight. Right down I-35. At least taking 290 to Houston, you've got little towns, some stop lights, lots of farm land, some ups and downs and easy, meandering curves in the road. And it's BEAUTIFUL when the blue bonnets are in season, lining the road and filling fields. Gorgeous.
Almighty, this has been one heck of a digression! Time for a run with the kids, then park playtime. Before Wilder (yet again) attempts to decapitate Waverley.
Hiho, Silver! Away!
Pst! Happy Valentine's Day