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Thursday, November 22, 2007

A Month to be Thankful

Wilder is one month old. He's had his first smile, his first formed sound ("Ga-Goo! Ga-Goo!" believe it or not,) his first bath -a lot of firsts. And it has been one month of wonderment, of awe, of exhaustion, of experimentation, of healing, of extreme joy, and certainly of thanksgiving. Actually, it's been an entire year of thanksgiving.

I'm thankful for...

  • A flawless and easy pregnancy
  • helpful and wonderful husband who loves me
  • A healthy, beautiful and wonderful baby
  • That Brian and I had SO much time together this year, especially after his 15 month deployment
  • A fantastic and safe road trip
  • All the hikes we took this summer in Alaska
  • Wonderful new friends
  • Family who love us
  • A great church home
  • How easily and quickly we found and were moved into our new home and that we were able to have this spectacular place as our first home
I am also thankful for all things we are daily blessed with and often take for granted like...

  • Being able to talk with my mom or sister in an instant via cell phone

  • Reliable and safe transportation

  • Taking scalding hot 15 minute showers

  • Too many clothes

  • Too much food

  • The wonders of the internet and how it helps us keep in touch so easily

  • Instant everything -from food to heat to light, etc.
  • Air travel which has made the world a smaller place and loved ones nearer

  • That we live in the best country in the world and that every day my husband contributes to its greatness and protection by serving in the military
When we take time to acknowledge the blessedness of our lives, the over abundance and the luxury that we daily take for granted we ought to feel a little disappointed for griping so much -I know I do. The lists I just popped out only scratch the surface of all the things I have to be thankful for. I am also extremely thankful for my mother, my sister, my friends and their friends who have and continue pray for me and my family. I'm thankful for the grace that covers me through Jesus. I'm thankful for His unconditional love that he lavishes on me even though I come nowhere near deserving it.

So many wonderful things to be thankful for this year and every year! Big things, like health and safety, and small things like chocolate and toothbrushes. Today I encourage you to talk over turkey about the things that you are grateful for. Make it a family tradition! We have decided to place lists on the fridge through November where we write things we are thankful for, then we'll put the pages in a book so that as time goes by we can see how we've blessed throughout the years. It is so encouraging to witness how God has blessed us through this past year and I'm thankful for another year to look forward to!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful to God for the three of you and for being with you every step of the way. Love, Mama


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