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Friday, January 23, 2009

Drunken Strawpplesauce

I know, I know, it sounds like a gourmet beverage at a frat party, but it's not what you think. It's really a delicious recipe for homemade strawberry-applesauce!

10 crisp apples -cut into 8ths, peeled
1 lb. bag frozen strawberries -whole
1/4 c brandy
1/4 c dark rum (optional)
2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. ground ginger -or thinly sliced fresh ginger
3/4 c packed brown sugar

Place apples in a 5 quart pot, add water until 1 1/2- 2 inches fill bottom. Cover and boil on med-low for 1 hour.

Add spices, rum(optional) and brandy. Cover and boil on med-low. Stir and mash occasionally.

When apples are soft and begin to break up, add strawberries. Cover and cook some more.

When strawberries are soft and begin to lose color, add brown sugar. Stir, cook and mash until you remove the majority of the big lumps.

Place in glass jars (I love the empty spaghetti jars, but jam jars make good gifts), refrigerate and eat within 3 weeks. Delicious on top of oatmeal, with vanilla yogurt and topped with granola or GoLean Cruch, topped on ice cream, or add less water and spread the sauce on toast (we love it on Cinnamon Raisin or Banana Bread!)

Yields approx. 3 spaghetti size jars and 1 smaller jar.

1 comment:

KatieC said...

This is so yummy. Madison actually ate more than she wore and none went into her hair. It is a miracle! Olivia would not go near it though. So it is officially great. I can’t wait to try making it myself.


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