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Monday, October 5, 2009


Brian's creating his own triathlon, Army style. He just got a Montague mountain bike -the kind paratroopers jump out of planes with tied to their rucksacks (or legs, or however they do it.) It folds up, therefore terrific for quickly maneuvering around the jungle or dessert, or rocky Afghanistan roads. Yesterday he put his idea into practice and tried a mini-version of what he hopes to make an Army-wide phenomenon: a combination of Ruck March (hiking really fast with a hefty pack,) mountain biking, and running (with a flack vest and wearing your combat boots.) We've been talking a lot about races over here and I realized that I am currently running one myself.

I have just bridged into my 6th month of pregnancy, officially entering my 3rd trimester. I only have 3 more months to get things running before my precious bundle arrives, take 3-4 months off to adjust and enjoy my new baby, and then get all of these crazy endeavors I've started (Photography, Donavan Covey, BeautiControl) to make a significant financial impact as Brian exits the Army and pursues his schooling and career to be a paramedic. But as I write this frantic sounding statement, I really don't feel frantic -simply motivated. I have PURE CONFIDENCE that God will provide for us and we will have a relatively smooth transition from the known to the unknown. In being responsible, right now I have to work extremely hard in order to prepare. I can't simply just trust that God will provide and sit on my tush, twiddling my thumbs, hoping he will send money down like manna.

I'm learning to take "water breaks" during this race. Earlier this year I spent my days playing with Wilder, baking, reading hours at a time, and just enjoying having my family back together. It was a peaceful, quiet life and I liked it. These days I am constantly checking and responding to emails, creating lists in 3 different binders, on the phone several hours a day, and basically putting plans into action. Wilder goes down for a nap, my work begins. Wilder goes to bed, I'm up 'til 11 or midnight working on my various ventures. It's fun, busy, invigorating, stressful, sometimes frantic, and exciting, but I see all of this activity NOW being preparation for 6 months down the road when I won't have this free time, but will need an income.

Back to my "water breaks." We all need to recharge, just as a long-distance runner needs to hydrate. I'm forcing myself to stop several times a day and focus directly on the present, whether that's sitting with Wilder as we read books or having 5 minutes of prayer time. It's not easy with my brain whirling and my to-do list beckoning, but it's necessary. I've got to stop and hydrate. We all need to.

Are you going to pass out from dehydration or are you consciously reaching for that water? No, I'm not talking about your Nalgene bottle. I may seem like a poor person to talk about taking breaks, but I just wanted to shoot out a reminder as I'm continuing to learn along the way: You need to recharge, SO REST. Really rest in those moments.

God bless you as you search for balance, just as I am.

I am taking great comfort in these verses, I hope you do to:

...do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?...But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Matthew 7:25-27, 33


Anonymous said...

I love you! I send my Yes and Amen. Thank you for the great reminder to STOP and drink deeply from God. Mama

I AM JOE PESCI said...

What a beautiful scripture . . . just the kind of thing to hang on my mirror so I can see it every day.

(people jump out of planes with bikes attached to them?! who knew!)


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