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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Getting Down To Business

Front of photography business card.

Front of, obviously, Uncommon Women card.


It was fun and challenging designing these business cards and I can't wait to get them in the mail, or to start handing them out to people! I've already met many women I've shared Uncommon Women with, and others I've wanted to, but it takes a long time to explain what UW is about and being able to hand a card out with the mission statement on it will help tremendously.

I was struck today by something I'd forgotten to do. I forgot to ask God to bless my new endeavors -the photography business and my new venture as a rep for BeautiControl (more on that soon!) Talking with my mentor, Gina, on the phone today she relayed that a few weeks ago she asked God to provide financially for her and -wham- God blessed her with business (she's now a full-time artist creating watercolor paintings on silk in various forms -it's beautiful.) I had been asking God for direction and discernment plenty, but I hadn't asked for blessing in the form of fruit or profit.

Brian is getting out of the Army in the spring and will be a full time student as he pursues becoming a paramedic (about 2 years of additional schooling.) He'll be working part-time in an EMS role, gaining experience while he learns, but it will be necessary for me to help out in any way I can, at least for the next two years. God has truly blessed these past few months, opening up ways for me to use my gifts and passions and create them into business endeavors. (As a side note, Uncommon Women is a non-profit and the culmination of what I believe my ministry is.) I'm excited to see how God will answer my prayers (and please join in) of provision for our family in this new stage of life. He is always faithful, so I have no doubt. I was just encouraged by the reminder to ask God for what we need -so simple, yet somehow I missed it.

I am so full and satisfied right now -with life (though I did just have some delicious dessert.) I thank God for the beautiful friendships I have been investing in and the exciting events, projects and businesses I am involved in. I feel very rich right now. Very rich, indeed. Thank you, Lord, for a full life.


I AM JOE PESCI said...

Love those business cards!

and I love your faith and attitude and your goals and just . . . everything. you're an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Where did you order them from? I am having a hard time with getting my order from vista print.


PS-they look great!

Kelly Cameron said...

Cherie and Roccy, thanks! I ordered them from Overnight Prints. I can't wait to see them in person!


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