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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Not Yet

We went to the hospital after 3 hours of hard contractions, but after 2 hours and no further dilation were sent home. It was crushing. I know that's how it goes sometimes, but I was fiercely hoping to avoid "false alarms" having been twice prematurely with Wilder. I'm not sure what to do except wait until I'm writhing in agony or my water breaks, the latter means I have to forgo an epidural which is something I'd much rather have than not.

I hated coming home and calling/emailing family and friends with the disappointing news that it was a false alarm, particularly since it was the most painful episode of contractions I've had. I think next time I'm headed to the hospital I will only tell a few folks instead of announcing it for all to see and just surprise everyone with pictures of our beautiful little girl when she is finally ready to make her appearance.

My contractions have settled down, Wilder's finally off to bed, Brian's at a night range and I'm resting through the remaining contractions while watching epic films. She can't hide forever, so that's a consolation, but it has been so hard today.


I AM JOE PESCI said...

I'm so sorry!

Anonymous said...

I love you, Sweetie. You are doing great. Hope you get a good night sleep. xo Mama


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